The Eco-Village (HUB)

The “Eco-Village” is our HUB and it is her that the majority of our projects are located.

The seat of our administration too is in the HUB and it is from here that all our programs and activities are planned, organized and implemented. The IFAPProject and all other external projects too, such as the Crossroad House”, the “Health-Awareness-Programs” and the “Educare-Project” are managed and administered from here.

Our Eco-Village was constructed in the year 2013/2014 and this with a generous donation from our sister-organization “Cooperation-Humanitaire-Luxembourg”

The “Eco-Village” was built mainly with natural and locally available material such as clay, bamboo, stones and soil. 90% of the work was done manually and this by local workers, women and men.

During the two years of construction SOS BAHINI TEAM were on the construction site seven days a week to supervise and control all the constructions. There was plenty of room for creative ideas as the Eco-Village materialized brick for brick and step by step.

All in all it is containing eight cottages, one large “Kitchen-Dining-Hall”, five rooms for beneficiaries, one large “Community Hall”, one “Clinic”, one “Bamboo-House” containing the “Women-Skill-Development-Centre”, four “Bathroom-Shower-Units”, one “Computer-Room”, three office-rooms and one repository. All buildings are equipped with solar-energy and a deep well is providing us with abundantly fresh drinking water.

The beautiful, natural buildings are surrounded by fields for organic farming, flowers, gardens, trees and spacious playgrounds.

It is an idyllic oasis, a safe haven for all our beneficiaries, internal and external, and all visitors are inspired by the esthetic, the peace and the harmony that is reigning in our village.

The “Eco-Village” is a unique symbiosis for sustainable living, strict non-violence, beauty and loving-kindness!

First and foremost, the “Eco-Village” is home to our beneficiaries, with a total capacity for 85 beneficiaries. It is here that the newly admitted beneficiaries find a safe-home and loving are. Here in a strictly non-violent environment everything is set up for them to heal their past traumas and to regain confidence and trust in themselves and others. Over the years the “Eco-Village” also called the “HUB” has become a bustling center and meeting place, and this not only for the beneficiaries who are fully living under the umbrella of our organization, but also for hundreds of girls and women from our “Target-Groups” who are benefitting from the various programs that we are frequently providing.

Moreover, we give much emphasis is to recreational and creative activities as well as indoor and outdoor fitness and empowerment programs. Game, dance, music-classes, martial-arts, swimming, volley-ball, bicycle-riding, art-classes are frequently taking place and “empowerment-workshops”

Following projects are located in the HUB:

  • The “Hostel”
  • The “Clinic”
  • The “Women-Skill-Development-Centre”
  • The “Computer Room”
  • The “Tuition-Classes”
  • All “Recreational-Activities”
  • The “Administration”
  • The “Farm”

But first and foremost this is the home for our children!

The peaceful and beautiful environment is doing wonders for all those that live here and all those that are frequently coming and going, like the IFAP & Crossroad-House- Beneficiaries  and the many Girls and Women who are coming to our “Clinic” and are participating in our “Workshops” and our “Awareness-Programs”.

It’s a haven of peace, a symbiosis of beauty & harmony where all are able to find comfort and peace of mind!
