Our Vision and Mission

We are women rights activists! We have the vision of a Nepal were girls and women are no longer raped, discriminated, abused and exploited and we are putting our vision in action!

Over the past two decades we developed a number of innovative and complementing projects and an all-encompassing strategy to prevent and/or alleviate worst forms of gender-based abuse, violence and exploitation on children and women and provide our beneficiaries with the opportunity to live a life in safety and dignity.

It is our declared aim to provide our beneficiaries the best possible care, the best possible education and the best possible vocational-training respectively tertiary studies. Once our beneficiaries are fit and confident for reintegration and once, they found employment we support them until a successful reintegration and complete autonomy has been achieved.

  • To provide Refuge for Girls and Women At Risk.
  • To provide Nutritious Food.
  • To provide Health Care.
  • To provide Education & training
  • To provide Protection (Legal Advice)
  • To provide Health Education (Awareness Programmes)
  • To provide Counseling in need basis of beneficiaries
  • To provide Livelihood Skills
  • To provide Creative Activities