The Crossroad-House has been first established in the year 2012. This HOSTEL is home for all the beneficiaries of “SOS Bahini” who left primary-school after completing grade ten.
The hostel is located in a quiet and safe neighborhood and in five minutes walking distance from our “Eco-Village”.
Up to 20 young women can stay at the CRH and all are undergoing either Vocational-training and/or tertiary studies.
Once the beneficiaries have a job, they are invited to stay in the CRH for a maximum of six more months.
When they are ready to move out and establish their own home or to get married, each of them will be provided appropriate amount as a start-up for a life in independence and self-sufficiency.
The beneficiaries at the CRH are enjoying a maximum of freedom and independence; they go shopping, do their own cooking and all household tasks by themselves. In this way during their stay at the CRH the beneficiaries are all trained in livelihood-skills and they are learning how to organize a household and how to keep check and balance. All are provided with an appropriate amount of monthly “Pocket-Money” for their personal wants. Furthermore they are provided with a cell-phone and internet access.
A Governess is watching that all are adhering to the discipline required at the CRH and she is monitoring, guiding and counseling the beneficiaries whenever this is required.
At the “Crossroad-House” too we are adhering to our philosophy of “strict-non-discrimination” and “strict-non-violence”.
We are thus mainstreaming the young women at the “CRH” true the means of gender-specific-activities and affirmative action!