About CHL (Coopération Humanitaire Luxembourg)
Coopération Humanitaire Luxembourg (CHL) was created in 1997 by a group of friends who set out to volunteer by directly helping the most vulnerable families in villages located in the north-east of Romania. For more than 20 years, we have supported the rural populations of the city of Bucovina by sponsoring the education of children, in partnership with the FAM foundation.
However, when Romania joined the European Union, CHL decided to reorient its activities towards other regions of the world with the aim of helping the most vulnerable populations, especially young girls who are often victims of sexual aggression and abuse.
That is when a new partnership was born between CHL and SOS Bahini. SOS Bahini aims to support young women and girls who are victims of abuse and at risk in the Pokhara region of Nepal. Since 2006, this project has been supported and promoted by François Prum and has meanwhile become the main activity of CHL.
It was in the fight to prevent abuse and discrimination against young girls that CHL met Laurence Ligier, founder of the association CAMELEON. CAMELEON has developed a global approach to act on the causes and effects of sexual violence against children and adolescents in the Philippines. Since 2010, CHL has been working intensively with CAMELEON to overcome this scourge.
CHL has developed a number of partnerships with the aim of improving the daily lives of many children and young girls, and above all of equipping them to have a better start in their lives as young adults.
Board Members :
François Prum – President and founder
Pit Kayser – Secretary
François Delvaux – Tresurer